If you are interested in hosting a workshop for your organization, business or a private gathering of associates and friends please contact me for additional information. I have given lectures to many different places over the years from small private groups to organizations and public places such as Whole Foods Market and Regional City Libraries.

Photos: Whole Foods Market South Loop, Chicago; Sulzer Regional Library, Chicago; Feng Shui Tabling at a Corporate Wellness Fair; Host for my DocSpotlight Screening Series
Radio Interview ~ Archives
“What does your home say about you?”
LA Talk Radio’s “Living Vivaciously” with Nekisha-Michelle, Sept. 2008
What does your home say about you? Empower yourself with success, happiness and better relationships the Feng Shui way! Learn a little bit about the 9 energy areas that exist in your home. A delightfully spirited conversation.
Click Here to Listen
“Feng Shui 101”
Greenstone Media’s, “Women Aloud”, May 2007
Former hosts, Mo Gaffney and Shana Wride, dish about everything from important issues to who got kicked off the latest reality show this week and everything in-between in a fun, smart and sassy kind of way. The booking for this nationally syndicated radio show geared for women came about quickly so I just tried to go with the flow and have fun!
Click Here to Listen
“Feng Shui 102,”
Greentsone Media’s “Women Aloud”, July 2007
I guess the first interview went well as I was asked to return for some more Feng Shui fun. If you want to know more about the show, see above. You may wish to listen in order. Enjoy!
Click Here to Listen